Privacy statement

This page has been amended on 11th October 2022

At ARC Consulting Ltd., we respect the privacy needs of our website visitors. This Privacy Statement provides you with information about how we collect personal data through our website and how we use, store or share that personal data. As an Association, we place the utmost importance in security and trust. That’s why it is important to us that you understand how we handle your personal data. We would also like to remind you of the rights you have and the ways in which you can control what happens to your personal data you provide to us through the use of our website.

We comply with the GDPR by limiting the amount of personal data that we collect, store and process, eliminating as much as possible individual features (IP-addresses).

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Statement, or any request to exercise your rights for enquiry, amendment, or deletion of your personal data, please feel free to contact us at and mention “GDPR” in the subject line.

What personal data do we collect?

ARC Consulting Ltd. collects data received through this website that personally identifies you (hereinafter referred to as “personal data”): first name, last name, company name, country, email address, phone number. This data is collected via forms on our website (‘Contact’ and ‘ARC CONSULTING LTD. document download’) and emails received from you. ARC CONSULTING LTD. does not collect any data that falls under the special categories of personal data (e.g. data revealing health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs).

What do we use the personal data for?

We collect personal data for the following purposes:

To contact you

We collect and use your personal data in order to be able to follow up on questions, messages or information requests you submitted via a contact form on our website or via email.

To discuss and provide services requested for

We collect and use your personal data in order to be able to have discussions on and provide services agreed between us, eg, Consultancy, Training, etc but not limited to these.

To provide requested information

We use personal data provided by our website visitors (e.g. request for information) to send them information they have requested or to have them download an ARC CONSULTING LTD. document (Framework, White Paper).

ARC CONSULTING LTD. does not distribute newsletters. Website visitors will not be approached by ARC CONSULTING LTD. unless they specifically have asked to be contacted.

Whenever we provide a website visitor the option to register in order to receive information, we will refer to this Privacy Statement.


ARC CONSULTING LTD. does not use cookies on its website. No information is collected and stored about how the visitor interacts with the ARC CONSULTING LTD. website.

Sharing and transfer of personal data

We only share personal data with third parties who work on our behalf if this is needed to fulfill an obligation regarding replying to your request (e.g. download of an ARC CONSULTING LTD. document or request for information via Contact Form). The third party may be a technical service provider who maintains the website. These third parties are only allowed to use personal data for the agreed purpose and not allowed to sell your personal data to other third parties.

If you want to withdraw your consent regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact the Partner of ARC CONSULTING LTD. Consulting Group at anupam.bansal@ARC Consulting To prevent misuse of your right of withdrawal, we will ask you to provide appropriate identification.

Dispute resolution

If you have any complaints regarding our Privacy Statement, you can submit your complaint to our Partner, who will investigate and attempt to resolve complaints and disputes.

Alexandrou Papdiamanti 1
Block A, Flat/Office 25
6035 Larnaca, Cyprus

How we secure the collected data

We keep security of all our data in high regard. This applies equally to the personal data of our website visitors. To that end, we provide appropriate administrative, operational, technical and physical security controls to secure the data we collect through our website.

Your personal data will be treated confidential and only processed by those who are entitled to process your personal data for the time needed and within the context of the purpose of the processing.

Retention and deletion

We will retain your personal data for as long as needed for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Statement; as necessary to comply with our legal obligations (e.g. for example to honour opt-outs) and to resolve disputes.

At the end of the retention period (after you have downloaded documents from our website or after we have replied on your request admitted to the contact form on our website), we will delete your personal data permanently within one (1) year, unless prohibited by law.

Consent management

If you want us to contact you, you provide us with your consent by completing the ‘Contact form’ on our website. After submitting, you will be contacted on the email address or on the telephone number you have provided.

If you want to download an ARC CONSULTING LTD. Document, you have to provide us with your consent by completing the ‘ARC CONSULTING LTD. document download form’ on our website.

Misuse of your email address

Should you receive an email from our organization that is not meant for you, please notify us and then delete the e-mail immediately. We are aware that some spam bots may be misusing our domain names and we cannot be held accountable for the consequences of that.

Rights of data subject

We would like to remind you of the rights you have as a data subject:

the right to be informed The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to request for information about what kind of its personal data is being processed and the reason for the processing thereof.

the right of access The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to receive a copy of its personal data being processed.

the right to rectification The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to have its inaccurate personal data rectified and to have its incomplete personal data completed.

the right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to request for its personal data to be deleted permanently.

the right to restriction of processing The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to request for restriction of the processing of its personal data in certain circumstances, such as in case of the accuracy of the personal data being contested by the data subject during the period to verify the accuracy thereof by the controller.

the right to data portability The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to request for its personal data to be returned to the data subject itself or transferred to another controller appointed by the data subject.

the right to object The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to object against the processing of its personal data for specific purposes such as statistical and direct marketing purposes.

the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to object to a decision based solely on automated processing and request for a human review on the decision.

the right to withdraw The data subject has the right with regard to its personal data, to withdraw its prior given consent for the processing of its personal data. By withdrawing its consent, the processing thereof will stop.

Please see for more information article 12 – 22 of the EU Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

If you want to exercise one of the above rights regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact the Partner of ARC CONSULTING LTD. Consulting Group at anupam.bansal@ARC Consulting . To prevent misuse of your rights, we will ask you to provide appropriate identification.

You can reach us using the following contact details:

Alexandrou Papdiamanti 1
Block A, Flat/Office 25
6035 Larnaca, Cyprus


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